Titanium-ceramic-bonding dependant on the exact melting point of the ceramic.

G. SIEBERT*, D. ROSI, M. ELIADES (Department of Prosthodontics II, University Hospital Benjamin Franklin, Free University of Berlin, Germany)


In the literature several problems are discussed about the titanium-ceramic-bonding. One is, that variations of the melting temperature get different results.


With the melting test of CLAUS, with the strength-test of SCHWICKERATH, with the acid erosion test and the microstructure valuation we tested 3 ceramics for titanium in comparison with the CoCr- ceramic combination.


Only small variations of the melting temperature (± 20°C ) differing from the company declarations, as we know with the ceramic melting oven, have influence to the transparency, surface brilliance and intensity of the colour of the ceramic. Vita Titanium-ceramic shows the smallest tolerance. Also we find with the strength-test values of 19 - 40 MPa for Vita Titanium-ceramic. In the contrary there is found for Duceratin values of 32 - 36 MPa. The CoCr-bonding is about 55 MPa. In the acid erosion test we see higher erosions with porosities and defects, if the melting temperature is 20°C lower than the company declaration. Also we find in the border structure titaniumsilicid and titaniumoxid.


With the CLAUS - melting-test-material as a controlmaterial we get the exact temperature of the melting. Only, if you have the exact temperature in the area of the object, you get good bonding values for the titanium-ceramic-bonding.

Supporter: Vita and Dentaurum Company